He soon won the heart of the young lady, married her in 1773, had a child, Nadejda (Alexander Pushkin's mother), by her, and abandoned her three years later, after having deceived her with a few of the neighbors farm girls." A few years later, he moved to the province of ... 1806, Maria Alexeievna sold her estate at Kobrino and freed among others, a serf girl by the name or Arina Rodionovna (who would become the real ?mother? and inspiration to Alexander S. Pushkin). ...
Dr Voropaeva Nadejda said? Dear WSEAS. I agree with the WSEAS After passing through a hard working period in 2009, now is very close to the end of the year. Although next year has been expected to be a difficult ...
... alla nostra missione (sopra), ma speriamo che l'estate arriver? presto... la speranza non delude:):):). Nadeszła godzina obudzenia się ze snu i powrotu do naszej misji (na górze), ale miejmy nadzieję, że wakacje szybko nadejdą. ...